Why is Loop Stitch a Good Alternative for Booklets that need to go into a three ring binder?

What is Loop Staple or Loop Stitch Booklet Binding?
Loop Staple binding, also called loop stitch binding, is a specialized technique of binding booklets using a custom formed staple. This special staple is inserted through the binding process to bind the booklet in a way that leaves a metal loop at measured points on the spine of the booklet. These loops align with a three ringed binder or can be adjusted to match any type of folder or binder provided. Loop staple binding allows for a professional looking combination of a bound booklet and any accompanying ring style binder among other advantages.
Loop staple binding is a great booklet binding method for creating professional booklets that have the ability to be inserted into a three ring binder but still remaining bound if removed.

Advantages of loop staple binding:
Loop staple binding offers three main advantages over drilled holes, the most common alternative method used for allowing a folder insert.
- The metal to metal connection causes much less friction than paper to metal so this type of booklet will slide smoothly along the rings even when loose leaf-bound materials are being used in the same ringed binder.
- By moving the insert holes to the outside of the spine, loop staple binding avoids the loss of text or image space that occurs when drilling holes into printed products.
- Loop staple bound inserts and booklets lie flat in an open binder, providing greater functionality, allowing full spread images and a more professional appearance.

Design Considerations
- Spacing and number of loops can be adjusted to fit standard or custom ring metals
- When working on a non-standard sized product, please provide a sample of the binder to ensure proper loop positioning.
- Loop staple bound booklets extend further from the rings than hole drilled materials, about a half inch or one centimeter. Because the loops are outside of the booklet verses drilled holes which are inset, you might want to consider adjusting the finished size and making the face dimensions shorter to avoid unintended overhang outside of the binder.
- Spoilage rates for loop staple bound products may be higher than for similar saddle stitched books because of the precision required when binding the books.

What size are the loops in loop staple binding?
Heritage Printing, Signs & Displays is are able to produce a 6mm or approximately a ¼” loop staple.
Oversized loops fit bigger binder rings, not bigger loads. Contrary to common belief, oversized loops do not provide additional strength. In fact, the strength is slightly less due to the additional stress the extra pages will put on the loop staple. Because the same length of wire can cause bending or warping. The same limitations that apply to 6mm loops should be used as a guide for oversized 8mm loops. Heritage Printing, Signs & Displaysdoesn’t provide 8mm loops.
For best results, limit your loop staple binding projects to a maximum of 48 pages of 80lb coated text. Going beyond this many pages in a loop staple bound booklet tends to cause binding failure after some use.
If you are planning on having booklets printed and are considering a saddle stitch binding method or drilled holes, loop staple binding is a great way to get the best of both worlds while improving the overall professional feel and functionality of your booklet. Heritage Printing, Signs & Displays has perfected the loop staple booklet binding process and has been providing this service for over two decades.
When you need a professionally produced and loop staple bound booklet Heritage Printing, Signs & Displays is just a call away. Get started on your project right away by sending us a quote request.